Sustainable. It is a bit of the buzzword of the moment, the one that many brands use and abuse, one that looks good next to the name, one that attests to a certain ethic, especially ecological. Everything related to the good care of the planet is on the rise and it has become more than urgent for brands today to review their habits to minimize their environmental impact. Sustainable, Responsible, okay, but what does that mean? And who really is?
We have been here for over 200,000 years (should have listened in history class) and it is only in the last 100 years that the generation of waste has become a threat to our survival. Putting the question of ecology at the level of urgency when so many mouths still dare to speak about trends. Dr Martens, bombers, detox herbal teas, poke bowl, Aya Nakamura, these are trends. Ecology is sort of the best thing left for us to do if we don't want to die sooner. Basically.
Says one brand to the other brand. Responsible, sustainable, traceable, made in France, second hand…? The dictionary of eco-friendly codes and good practices is ultimately much denser than one might imagine. And very often we have the feeling that all the terms mean more or less the same thing. And it’s wrong.
It demonstrates commitment, transparency and control.
It must be possible for the customer who wants the product to know everything about what is going on behind the scenes. It is only at this price that a brand (if ever what is going on behind the scenes is okay, of course) can be called responsible.
A responsible brand is a brand that is committed to doing well, both environmentally and humanly, in everything it does and without ever changing its course. The notion of responsibility must be attributed to a house only from the moment these criteria are an integral part of its DNA and not just if they intervene periodically and strategically (in a marketing process for example).
Many big brands today wave the flag of their responsibility, even eco-responsibility, when one of their operations tends to approach it. This is where the complexity of the name comes into play, and this is also where the cursor is hard to position. Not all brands that claim to be responsible are necessarily responsible, but all brands that strive to increase responsible actions within their company deserve to be supported.
Very concerned by ethical commitments and the desire to do things with the greatest transparency, La Maison de la Maille constantly seeks to improve on these human and environmental commitments, but also towards animals. It is committed to manufacturing in a fair, transparent and sustainable manner.
Made in France manufacture, quality woolens, certified producers, good treatment of animals on farms, social commitment to promote reintegration ... Ideological and ecological convictions that the house also considers to be economic since we are convinced that in the long term, only a responsible, reasoned, transparent and ethical approach can be accepted by consumers and therefore be profitable.
Buying a wool blanket from La Maison de la Maille is therefore choosing a responsible brand.
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There are some fights that shouldn't exist. Yet, even today, it remains essential to say and repeat that your daily actions in the long term can really make a difference from an environmental point of view. Global warming is here, its many fires around the world and its heat waves four months out of the year continue to remind us of this.

Among the misconceptions that circulate around animal husbandry, there are some that place shearing among acts of abuse. However, this is a terrible error because it has been proven that shearing does not cause any suffering to the animal, we now know that it is a step which is even essential to its health and well-being.