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Home > Editorial > Energy balance: 4 tips from a head of CSR to reduce its impact


We brought up recently on our website editorials page the subject of a CSR strategy (link to the CSR article), nowadays something that every company looking to reduce their environmental  impact must take into account. With the help of Benjamin Lacour, the head of CSR at Numberly and a man with genuine passion and commitment, we have managed to unravel some of the strands of the enormous ball of wool that is environmental responsibility in companies. Together, we extracted the 4 levers that are the easiest for companies to put in place to reduce their energy impact and start to act in a more virtuous way. Let’s take a look.



Even lowering the temperature by just one degree will make a notable improvement to the energy impact  (depending on the circumstances and the sources you read, savings of anything from 7% to…more than 20%!). Some companies overheat their premises, often even in unoccupied areas, and that’s one of the first things that has to be tackled. So, on balance, (not the energy one), if you are a company, it’s like this: turn down the heating and treat your employees to lovely La Maison de la Maille signature throws. The good news? You can even create a tailor-made model in your company’s colors. Never too corporate.


And what if, before turning down the heating, we checked to see whether our energy source is not too old? In fact, there’s a huge difference between the energy consumption of fuel oil heating and gas heating, for example. Although nowadays new premises are fitted out with up-to-date installations and, in theory, meet the new environmental standards, others still have equipment on their premises that pollutes more than it should. Conclusion: it’s important to know what you (and your heating) are made of.


Here again, small change, big impact. Without necessarily going all-out on a grand scale, there really are little things that you can do with results that speak for themselves. After turning down the heating in your offices, the next important point: the lighting. Changing the whole system over to LED would reduce a company’s energy balance more than just a little. To give you a quick idea of the difference between what the two consume: a halogen lamp consumes 500 watts while an LED lamp of the same intensity consumes just 7. You don’t have to be a bright light to understand that making the change is essential.


It may be just a small gesture for you, but it means a lot to the planet. This is a real eco-friendly tip that a lot of people don’t consider, yet it could help to reduce considerably the energy impact companies have. Unplugging unused devices, switching off computers in the evening as you leave the office, turning off the heating in certain unoccupied areas of the workplace... All these little gestures, placed end-to-end with the other tips given above, are essential if we are to reduce the impact of our energy use.

Article written by Laura Isaaz


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