You have four hours. We tend to say in the time we are all living (undergoing), that the real luxury is to be free, to have kept your job, not to have acne on your chin, to go out for a drink and to be able to hug your loved ones. Yes, true, but luxury as we know it in the first degree is first of all a dramatically more material notion, something quite inaccessible.
But what exactly is luxury? Is there a universal luxury that would make everyone agree? Do we all have the same definition of luxury? Do we all put the cursor in the same place? Not certain. Really not certain. Anyway, here we have our own opinion on the issue and on the boxes to be checked imperatively to be lucky enough to join the small family of so-called luxury brands. And we give it to you.
If there is one criterion that matters more than the others, it is certainly quality. For La Maison de la Maille, undeniably, a luxury product is a product that has been imagined in noble, rare, prestigious materials. A luxury product is also and above all a product that will last over time, both in terms of style and in terms of its resistance. Luxury today is much more easily attributed to well-marketed items without showing any quality in terms of quality. We come back to saying that luxury is ultimately quite specific to everyone. Some people don't hesitate to ignore quality to afford an expensive piece stamped with the logo of a brand that has fame rather than going for products of much better quality (and sometimes even cheaper) but less statutory because it’s created by a less well-known brand.
For La Maison de la Maille, luxury is first and foremost a matter of quality and authenticity. Transparent on these manufacturing processes and on the treatment of the farms it works with, the French company is committed to always striving for better to satisfy its customers and establish a real relationship of trust. Made from fine materials, all La Maison de la Maille products meet specific criteria in order to be faithful to the brand's positioning, to be timeless and to continue to grow its history among those of the great luxury houses. The truth.
Written by Laura Isaaz
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