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meet our alpacas?

Because behind the amusing animal, with its big round eyes, long legs and fluffy fleece that really makes you want to cuddle them and explode records for the number of likes on Instagram, taking care of an alpaca requires unfailing, daily, passionate devotion. Black, red-haired, two-colored, white, grey, large, not so large, small; they are not all alike, but it is difficult to tell all 40 of them apart. And then Axelle arrives. And all you have to do is watch them live to realize that there is really no surprise because each animal has its own personality. Really, just take a look.


for Qali, the great impossible love of my life…

Le Clos Tranquille. This is the breeding farm a few kilometers from la Flèche with which La Maison de la Maille works exclusively on the design of its “Plaid Merveilleux” (Marvelous Throw). Forty alpacas who live their (blissful) life in the meadows of La Sarthe under the watchful eye of Axelle, the owner who is the heart and soul of the place.

With its new product, the Plaid Merveilleux, la Maison promises a close and unprecedented relationship between the customer and the alpaca that will provide the wool for the throw they buy. This is the project’s promise.

Each Plaid Merveilleux bears the name of the alpaca whose fleece has been collected, and each order sent is accompanied with a photo of the animal. This is followed up with frequent newsletters, and those who are really interested can even arrange to visit the alpaca on the farm. On top of that, they can even choose the alpaca they want for the next shearing. Are we witnessing the origins of a throw with a vintage? Let’s see.

I went to meet them for the first time on a country walk, to find out more about who they are, and to soak up a little more of the atmosphere of the La Maison de la Maille world. They are touching and intelligent creatures, and so cute that I wondered for a couple of seconds whether I, just like Axelle, could get into alpaca rearing. But only for a couple of seconds.

Because behind their big, round eyes, their long legs and their fluffy fleece that really makes you want to cuddle them and break records for the number of likes on Instagram, taking care of them requires unfailing, daily, passionate devotion. Black, red-haired, two-colored, white, grey, large, not so large, small; they are not all alike, but it is difficult to tell all 40 of them apart. And then Axelle arrives. And all you have to do is watch them live to realize that there is really no surprise because each animal has its own personality. Really, just take a look.

DAMSON: white female
She’s a real foodie. She needs no persuading when it comes to eating, and is always the first to tuck into the food.

PANACHE: white male
Panache is not called Panache by chance! He is one of the most energetic on the farm.

PACHA: white male
If you had to find the right word to describe Pacha, the first that springs to mind is: likeable. Uncomplicated, gentle and good-humored, Pacha is the nice guy.

ADAGIO: white male
He’s a real champion! Handsome and elegant.

ESPRESSO: mid-brown female
Espresso is easy to recognize because she loves human contact. She loves cuddles, but be careful not to overdo it!

PIRATE: white male
Pirate is the epitome of calm, poised and gentle.

ANOKI: white male
Pirate’s brother, he shares exactly the same qualities as him.

CUSCO: dark brown male
No doubt about this one: Cusco is a Suri. Both his appearance and his character are testament to this! Nervous and stubborn, but (obviously) terrifically captivating.

LEIA: white female
She is the shyest member of the group. She never leaves the side of her mother Serenity.


Article written by Laura Isaaz


Le Plaid Merveilleux, la nouveauté que vous attendiez

Because La Maison de la Maille never stops wanting to go further in exceptional creation, the brand is launching on Sunday July 4  its novelty: the Marvelous Throw. Even more luxurious than the previous products, it stands out as the essential luxury and ecological decoration. Wonderful and much more.

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Axelle-Clos Tranquille-éleveuse-alpagas_edited.jpg

Portrait: Axelle, the heart and soul of Le Clos Tranquille

We reach the end of the path on this farm in the Sarthe where Axelle shares her life with her two dogs and her forty alpacas. She approaches with a steady smile and invites us into this domain that she has built with the overriding passion of those for whom nothing is impossible.

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